TOPIC investigated the non-GMO label claim of Futurelife Crunch Smart Food cereal.

TOPIC investigated the non-GMO label claim of Futurelife Crunch Smart Food cereal.
Updated November 2017 TOPIC is a consumer-led non-profit organisation that tests the accuracy of product labels. The ‘sugar-free’ and ‘gluten-free’ claims by Cape Town-based Freedom Bakery for their lemon meringue tart and chickpea and banana
TOPIC verifies Fry’s non GMO labelling claim Fry’s Original Hot Dogs was TOPIC’s top nominated product by consumers in early March. The product claims on the box that it is “a non GM product” and
The latest product to be investigated by consumer-led organisation, TOPIC, which stands for Testing of Products Initiated by Consumers, is the Le Chocolatier Organic Chocolate 70% slab. Consumers wanted to know if its “no sugar”
TOPIC, the new consumer-led watchdog formed to look into product labelling claims, has had success with their first investigation and Wakaberry frozen yoghurt has changed their labelling as a result of TOPIC’s enquiries. However, while